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Queens Fish Bar 10:48 Tue Jul 24
Cross Rail £600m over budget
So far......

tax payer getting hammered.

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gph 6:18 Fri Jul 27
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
I know you're cross, but don't rail so bitterly...

Gavros 4:48 Fri Jul 27
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Theyre looking to do that for CR2. Lot of people in places like Forest Gate, Manor Park etc made a lot thanks to this.

ray winstone 4:45 Fri Jul 27
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Maybe all those who live in Shenfield who’s house prices have rocketed as a result of Crossrail should pay up for the shortfall.

Exiled In Surrey 3:01 Fri Jul 27
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
The government doesn't mind. Its more public money going into the private sector.

RM10 2:58 Thu Jul 26
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
the tideway tunnel will also cost an extra packet

Westham67 12:55 Thu Jul 26
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Lots a variables in construction materials as well,

DaveT 12:21 Thu Jul 26
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
A lot of the time it is down to the business analyst not getting all the information. They don't use common sense when asking questions that's if they ask any at all. Number of times I developed stuff and then later when talking to the user found out they had hardly been asked any questions on what they want. The BA had one meeting, handed over a document and then only talked to the user again when project had been developed usually months later

Willtell 10:20 Thu Jul 26
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Any major project managed by people not answerable to a capitalist boss will invariably over-run on costs.

The athletics bowl is another example of why management by social or government committee is always a bad way to run any business venture.

Gavros 9:13 Thu Jul 26
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
FT this morning on HS2 cost overruns


, 4:47 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
In the UK it seems to be the case that major IT projects fail their three key requirements and end up late, over budget and without full specified functionality.

I lost count of the number of times we had to change our work practices to suit the bodged up, partially installed, IT system instead of the new system being compatible with what existed as specified.

muskie 3:46 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Resident lefties, Queens and Gavros.

balders 3:38 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
When you bid for these tenders you bid just to comply to the requirements because the contracts always shit

Then in the 28day post signing you put in all the variations you know that are required which adds around another 15 to 20% normally

It how every signaling company works now

Gavros 12:59 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
The Tories squeezed the projects budget by a couple of billion in 2015. So this is basically the contractors not quite meeting the new budget.

theres some great pics and videos of it here.


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:54 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Here's an example of what happens:

Customer - refurbish all the bogs
Contractor - sure, that's £x
Customer - done

Three months later:

Customer - obviously, these bogs will have wheelchair access, right?
Contractor - No. You never asked for wheelchair access
Customer - but everyone has wheelchair access these days - we've got to have it
Contractor - well, that's another £x, then.

Mike Oxsaw 12:27 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
You also get people with no understanding of costs & timescales/work involved making promises about these to earn themselves brownie points, who then fuck off before the shit hits the fan and do exactly the same at another project, fully believing that they'e "managing".

Then you get customers who haven't really got a clue what they want, as long as it's got shit-loads of bells, whistles & even more flashing fucking lights on the front.

Gavros 12:09 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
there's always going to be issues on such a massive project. apparently the trains have a problem with the door mechanism.

anyway as said this i a fairly conservative project compared to HS2 and Crossrail 2, which is looking like a dog's dinner already with a budget twice that of Crossrail 1 and not half as useful.

Westham67 11:35 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Mainly delays costing money in manpower an machinery

Land acquisition can also up a project when the wont sell up

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:18 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Far Cough 10:14 Wed Jul 25

That's true, mate. But there is also inevitably spec creep.

fraser 10:15 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
What difference what they originally budget it. It costs what it costs, surely some factors are unforeseen so can't be budgeted for.

More to the point why do you care?

Far Cough 10:14 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Don't they tender it out for bids and then they bid low to win the project tender, then of course you will have budget over run

Rossal 10:10 Wed Jul 25
Re: Cross Rail £600m over budget
Fair enough 67 but as i say below.....why dont they budget for far more?

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